Monday, January 25, 2016

Wedding Day Accessory Tips: Do's and Don'ts

Put the cherry on top of your wedding day look with the perfect selection of accessories. The right wedding day jewelry will enhance your dress, but a piece that doesn't go with the style may look awkward and out of place. There are a few different factors that go into picking out the perfect bridal accessories for your big day.
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Do's for wedding hair accessories
Complement the style of your dress. If your dress has a vintage feel, don't go with modern jewelry. No matter how pretty the pieces are, they simply won't fit with the style of the gown.
Match all your metals. If your engagement ring is silver or white gold, make sure to choose the same color for your bridal accessories. Mixed-and-matched metals create a trendy look that can work with an everyday outfit, but it doesn't look good in pictures. Opt for all the same color metal, even if you have to purchase faux gold or silver to do it.
Incorporate an heirloom. Borrow jewelry from family or in-laws for your wedding day. It'll make looking back at the jewelry in your wedding pictures that much more meaningful. If you don’t have jewelry you can borrow, start your own tradition. Purchase a string of pearls or a pair of earrings that you can pass down to the future bride in your life.
Consider hair accessories. Even if you're wearing a veil, you can still rock an embellished headband or lovely comb. If you want to change up your hair accessories from ceremony to reception, try removing the veil and putting on a fascinator for the big party.
Wear pieces that enhance your gown. Short-sleeved dresses look pretty with bracelets, while strapless and sweetheart dresses look fab with bold earrings Halters go great with hair accessory jewelry, and V-necks look stunning when paired with pendants or chokers.
Remove excess body jewelry. Those eyebrow and nose piercings are not something you'll love seeing when you flip through your wedding album at your 50th anniversary party, no matter how cool it looks right now.
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Don'ts for wedding accessories
Don't look at jewelry until you pick out your dress. This seems obvious, but brides often get hooked on statement pieces that models are wearing or that they see in bridal salons. Building a look around a piece of jewelry limits your dress options and makes it a lot harder to find a gown.
Don't worry about adorning yourself in diamonds. It's just one day; you can wear cubic zirconia and other faux gemstones if that's how you want to complete your look.
Don't wear wedding jewelry on your left arm. Keep the focus on your left side, on your engagement and wedding band. There will be tons of pictures and guests looking at your left hand; large bracelets and excess rings can take away from your bridal set.
Don't overload yourself with accessories. You don't need to wear one of every type of jewelry. A simple necklace and pair of earrings, or a hair piece and bracelet will do the trick. Less is definitely more when it comes to accessorizing on your wedding day.
Don't focus on trends. In thirty years, you'll most likely regret that super chunky necklace you just had to have. You won't look at pictures and say, "I shouldn't have worn those pearls" or "Those diamond studs were way too gaudy."
Don't forget about the bag. Even though your maid of honor will most likely be keeping tabs on it the entire night, a clutch will look nice in pictures and carry everything you need to touch up your makeup throughout the evening.

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