Thursday, January 21, 2016

Kins od the Veil Length

Veil length highlights you and your wedding dress. A long veil can lengthen your look while a short veil can add interest to the top of your dress. We can help you! Here you can learn about the different lengths and how to measure. Feel free to contact us or call us for personal assistance!
My sketch of veil length

To get an idea of a custom veil length on yourself

Find a friend and a full length mirror
If possible try on your gown, definitely wear the same height shoes
Start a long string (or tape measure) on your head where you plan to wear your veil
Run the string down your back
Mark where you may want your veil to end
Measure to the mark(s)
For a blusher veil

Mark where you want the blusher to end in back
Holding the string in place on top of your head, move the string to the front
Adjust if needed to where you want it to end in front
Keep in mind wedding day hairstyles can take up extra veil length, so it’s best to go a bit longer

Shoulder Veil
The shoulder length veil is a short veil that touches your shoulders or slightly covers them. The Communion Veil falls in the shoulder length category. For the short veil it is very important to know where you will attach the veil on your head because that will make a big difference in the veil length.
ivory tulle blusher inspired shoulder length birdcage veil

Elbow Length Veil
The elbow length veil reaches your elbows or your waist. An elbow veil can be used to cover your shoulders. An elbow length veil will highlight a wedding dress with a spectacular skirt. Be sure to measure as our “elbow veils” can be up to 36 inches which can fall at fingertip level for many brides.

Fingertip Veil
The fingertip veil should just graze your fingertips when your fingers are extended. Fingertip wedding veils fall below the waist and do well to keep the focus on an amazing bodice. Mantilla veils are a good size at fingertip length.
scalloped lace edge versatile one tier fingertip length drop veil

Waltz Length Veil
The waltz length veil should end just about knee length, usually 8 to 12 inches above the floor. Think of a waltz a dance gliding across the room. A waltz length veil is not as fluffy due to the longer length. To show off a stunning waist or bodice on your dress, choose a waltz veil.

Chapel Length Veils
Chapel length veils fall just above the floor or to the ankles. A chapel veil can lengthen your overall look.Chapel length veils tend to hang straight down and not get as fluffy. It’s important to measure to find ankle or floor length on yourself…with shoes on and starting where you will wear it on your wedding day.
lace applique single tier chapel length veil cut edge veil beach wedding

Cathedral Veil
The cathedral veil trails behind the gown on the floor like a train. A good way to add a train when your dress does not have one. For a dress with a train, end the cathedral veil 4 to 6 inches or more beyond the dress train so the veil will spread out and allow your dress to show through. Even at full width cathedral length veils are quite transparent.
scalloped lace edge cathedral length tulle single tier long bridal veil

Royal Length Veil
A royal length veil is even longer than the cathedral veil. Royal veils are more than 120 inches long, we’ve made some as long as 240 inches. For the most dramatic effect chose a royal length veil.
Royal veils are extremely long

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